Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh roomateku!

Mariah Elenah, congratulation anda sudah menjadi tunangan orang!

After going through all the moments, you deserve this one. And I still miss youu.

I'll pray for your happiness from here :)

p/s : Can I skip your wedding, and only go back home for your Bachelorette party? hahaha

Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh December

Orang macam saya ni, patut dicampak jauh2 pergi planet lain.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Talk about snowing today..

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku..

Peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan,
Ya Allah ya Tuhanku yg Maha Mengerti
Berikanlah aku kekuatan melontar bayangannya jauh kedada langit
Hilang bersama senja nan merah..
Agar ku bisa berbahagia walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya..

Gantikanlah yg telah hilang,
Tumbuhkanlah kembali yg telah patah
Walaupun tidak sama dg dirinya..

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku..
Pasrahkanlah aku dg Takdir-Mu,
Sesungguhnya apa yg telah Engkau takdirkan adalah yg TERBAIK buatku,
Kerana Engkau Maha Mengetahui sgala yg terbaik buat hamba-Mu ini

Ya Allah,
cukuplah Engkau saja yg Menjadi pemeliharaku
didunia dan diakhirat
Dengarlah rintihan dari hamba-Mu yg daif ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan aku sendirian
Didunia ini maupun diakhirat..

Jauhkan aku dari hal2..
yg menjurus kearah kemaksiatan & kemungkaran,
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yg beriman,
Supaya Aku dan dia dpt membina kesejahteraan hidup kejalan yg Engkau Ridhai
Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yg soleh/solehah,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reminiscing is healthy, sometimes.

If we play that 'Spot the differences' game, I bet we can list out thousands of them from this piece.

But only one, one thing that will never ever fade.

The memory.

Love you, beautiful ladies :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I'm wondering, why it is so hard this time?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I hate distractions

Distractions are evil.

Small distractions are the ones we need to fear of.

Distractions are tempting.

Is there any distraction-shield device available in the market?

Distractions are things you don't need in life.

If you think you need them, to keep you continue living your life, then they are not called distractions anymore. Maybe it'll turn into risks?

Risks are evil as well.

Because they are 50-50.

Distractions come together with pain, never come with happy ending.

Distractions are just excuses.

So should I blame distractions?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Its Friday, but its not weekend yet for me

"Jalan yang lurus kian berhalang,
Adakah semua ini yang ku inginkan,
Ataupun hanya mengejar dunia semata-mata,
Ku harap ku masih percaya"

Friday, October 7, 2011

"Long Live Cowboys"

First of all,'s been a year. Work has dragged me further away from the world.

Yet, I grew up. Been picking up those life lessons on relationships, religion, cultures, emotions & behaviour.

And at the moment, I'm on another mission on this cowboy land.

Hoping for the best but please dont forget me, I beg :)